Monday, August 31, 2009

It's Perfect.

Today was a great day. I met four out of my five students and their moms, along with a couple sisters. The meet and greet was from 1:30 - 2:30, or so said the letter the parents got in the mail. My first student arrived at 12:45. I guess he was excited! I figured it was better to be early than to not show up at all. We walked down to the classroom and I showed him our daily schedule, our morning focus board, I explained that his color was "green." I showed him that everything in the classroom that was his was green or had green tape on it. He loved it and kept saying, "I am green. The green one is mine. Just for me, green. Green locker, green book, he's green."

His mom asked about school supplies and I told her that I would send home a list the first day. She asked when the bus would pick him up, where she could send the check for his lunch, and whether someone would pick him up from the bus in the morning. The school psychologist answered most of the questions because she knows more of the details than I do.

When we were done talking about everything, my student was looking around with big, excited eyes. The psychologist said, "Well, what do you think about your new classroom?"

He replied in a sweet, soft voice as he looked towards the floor, "It's perfect." I just about melted on the spot. I could have ended my day right there and called it a success.

I hope that this is just the beginning of what's going to be a "perfect" year. Thanks, big guy!

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