Monday, September 14, 2009

It's Raining Flashcards.

Well, today was an extra interesting one. I had spent quite a few hours this weekend creating flash cards, worksheets, and data sheets for one of my more involved students who hasn't started yet. I was determined that if she showed up today, I would be ready for her. I spent a good amount of the weekend hours cutting out flash cards and laminating them. I had several little decks of cards (alphabet, shapes, letters, colors, numbers, sight words) that were ready to take to school today. I created several worksheets in Boardmaker and printed them out to copy at school. I was ready!

Well, you know when you're getting ready to go somewhere and you have a thousand things in your hand, and for some reason it seems like a good idea to put one of those things on top of your car? Yes, you know where this story is going. The bin of flash cards was put on top of my car. I was just about on Route 1 when I heard a funny sound and looked into my rearview mirror. It was raining flash cards. My beautiful alphabet cards, number cards, and sensory toys were blanketing the access road to the highway. Awesome. I pulled to the side of the road, and was frantically trying to recover them, as cars were speeding by and driving over them. It was sure a pitiful sight. I will admit, I had tears coming out of my eyes at the thought of all my work being run over. A couple school buses and a few staring cars later, I was able to gather mostly everything up and put it in my car.

I hoped and prayed that my student would not be there today, because now my nice little stacks of flash cards and brand new sensory toys were all in one big ruffled pile with tire marks all over them. Rats. When I got to school, I told my assistant the whole story. She, being the wonderful person that she is, stayed in while I went to go get the kids off the bus. When we got back, she had all of the sensory toys under water and was cleaning them at the sink. She had re-stacked all of the flash cards into their appropriate piles with rubber bands. She had re-laminated the cards that had seen better days. She is so wonderful. Teachers can only dream for paraprofessionals like her. She's a self-starter. She does everything I ask, and everything I don't ask! I don't have to even say stuff and she reads my mind. She tells me it's not fair for me to have to stay late at night, so she asks what she can do to help me. I brought her cookies today. She is part of the reason the experience has been so wonderful so far.

Because we can't have a blog entry without a kid story, I'll throw a quick one in. I was flustered this morning. I was getting over the fact that I had driven nearly a half mile with my teacher supplies on the roof of my car. I was pretty much over it, but I guess my hair was a little "ruffled" from the whole experience. One of my boys sat down at the table and looked straight at me. "Mrs. Smith? You didn't brush your hair today." Haha. Oh, but yes I did. I told him it had been a long morning and sometimes hair gets crazy. He laughed. So did I.

Today was a great day. The kids were good, I still only have three kids, the science coordinator brought all of our supplies for our Earth unit, we can open our lockers by ourselves, it was quesadilla day in the cafeteria, life was good. Until I came out from my grad class tonight.

I was standing in one of the Rutgers parking lots talking to some grad school friends. We got out of class an hour early, so that was exciting. We were saying goodbye to each other, and I opened up my car door. That's funny, I thought. I'm sure I didn't leave the window open? I am also sure that I didn't leave shattered glass on my seat. Oh, the car had been broken into. Some awesome somebody thought it was a grand idea to bash the window in so they could steal my GPS! Now, the 4-Runner has shards of glass ALL over the seat, floor, back seat, even the driver seat, I have no window, and no GPS. After filing a police report and getting on my way, I realized I couldn't figure out how to get home without the GPS. Downtown New Brunswick is no place to be lost late at night. I guess that's what I get for relying on my GPS to get me everywhere. My mom said, "At least you're okay, honey." Thanks, Mom! I'm okay. It's true. My job is so great that I can't even really let this upset me. What can I say? I must have forgotten to brush my hair today. Tomorrow is a new day.

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